Pascal Objects Eye Tracking (POET) V 1.0 ======================================== Dim P. Papadopoulos, Alasdair D. F. Clarke, Frank Keller and Vittorio Ferrari Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to this release of the Pascal Objects Eye Tracking (POET) dataset! We collected eye tracking data for the complete trainval set of ten objects classes (cat, dog, bicycle, motorbike, boat, aeroplane, horse, cow, sofa, diningtable) from Pascal VOC 2012 [2] (6,270 images in total). Each image is annotated with the eye movement record of five participants, whose task was to identify which object class was present in the image (see [1] for more details). This dataset was first published in [1]. Please cite it if you use this dataset. Contents ~~~~~~~~ Let be the directory where this package was uncompressed. This package contains: - 6270 Pascal VOC 2012 trainval images from [2] in /PascalImages - 10 mat files (one for each class) with eye tracking data in /etData - matlab code to visualize fixations and fixation heatmaps in /code Quick start ~~~~~~~~~~~ You can follow the next steps to check that everything is working properly: 1) start matlab 2) navigate to (e.g. by using the 'cd' command) 3) execute command: demo_drawFixations This demo visualizes the eye tracking data on images. Press any key to continue to the next image while the figure window is active. 4) execute command: demo_drawFixHeatMap This demo visualizes the heatmap of the eye tracking data on images. Press any key to continue to the next image while the figure window is active. 5) if all above points went well, this package is working perfectly. Description of the etData files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each mat file in /etData contains one structure array with the eye tracking data for this class: filename - filename of an image in Pascal format dimensions - a 1x2 double array with image dimensions, [height width] gtbb - an Nx4 double array with the coordinates of the N ground-truth bounding-boxes, [x1 y1 x2 y2] rt - an 1x5 double array with the response times in seconds of the 5 different viewers response - a 1x5 logical array with the correct button presses. imScalingFactor - the scaling factor used to diplay the image in the monitor displayOffset - the coordinates of the window where the image was diplayed in the monitor with resolution 1680x1050 fixations - a 1x5 structure array with all information about the eye tracking data of 5 viewers scrnCoord - screen coordinates of the eye tracking data imgCoord - image coordinates of the eye tracking data fixR - fixations of the right eye fixL - fixations of the left eye time - an Mx2 array with the initial and final time of the M fixation in ms pos - an Mx2 array with the x and y coordinates of the fixation positions. Matlab code ~~~~~~~~~~~ The following Matlab functions are provided in /code: - drawFixationOnImg: draws the eye tracking on an input image - drawFixationHeatMap: draws a heatmap of the eye tracking data on an input image - getFixationPositions: returns all eye tracking positions for an input image. Support ~~~~~~~ For any query/suggestion/complaint or simply to say you like/use the dataset and software just drop us an email References ~~~~~~~~~~ [1] Training Object Class Detectors from Eye Tracking Data D. P. Papadopoulos, A. D. F. Clarke, F. Keller and V. Ferrari European Conference in Computer Vision (ECCV), September 2014. [2] The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 (VOC2012) Results M. Everingham, L. Van Gool, C. K. I. Williams, J. Winn and A. Zisserman Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 1.0 (September 2014) ----------- - initial release